Gilbert Fernandez

Gilbert Fernandez


There are trustworthy businesses and organizations, such as MDN, that can assist you in getting out of debt. They can help you with budgeting and money management, as well as negotiating with creditors.

Although some will take your money and run, others will drag you along by collecting payments and promising things as you fall farther behind on your bills. Scammers make false promises to get you out of debt swiftly and cleanly, and they want payment before they help you.

In this episode, Marlon Quezada and Maricel Llul, the founders of MDN, sit down with marketing specialist Jack Hakimian of Global Presence Marketing to discuss how to avoid being scammed. 

Major Debt Talks is a videocast and podcast brought to you by MDN and Global Presence Marketing. Its objective is to learn about debt relief programs and encourage people to take this route rather than filing for bankruptcy. Visit our website to watch the latest episodes.

About Major Debt Negotiators 

Major Debt Negotiators (MDN) provides financial relief and credit assessment for Americans filing for bankruptcy. Our vision is to help you avoid losing everything you have worked for through foolproof programs that help you save money while paying debt faster than minimum payments. 

We are here to provide debt relief services and provide financial consultation and education to ensure that you live a debt-free life. 

How to avoid being scammed? 

Marlon Quezada, the founder of MDN, said that the best course of action is to do your homework. 

Do your research on any debt settlement company you are thinking about dealing with. Look online and contact your state's attorney general and consumer protection agency to see if the company has been the subject of complaints.

Before putting out money, review the paperwork. For MDN, all paperwork undergoes the credibility of an attorney. Even if the costs are framed as voluntary contributions, do not pay a debt relief or credit counseling agency in advance. 

On the other hand, Maricel Llul, the founder of MDN as well, gave a tip to check what email the debt settlement company uses. Make sure that they use a business email address and not personal ones. 

“If it’s creditors, those emails, make sure that they’re business emails, not personals like gmail or hotmail. If it’s gmail or hotmails then they’re gonna take you to court and you’re going to jail, it’s a scam. Let them know right away that you’re gonna let the FDC Department know about them and you have their phone number, whether you do it or not, they usually stop because they’re scary,” Maricel said. 

Debt relief scams can be reported to the Federal Trade Commission online or by calling 800-382-4357.

Live a debt-free life! 

Debt settlement may be a viable option for people frustrated by their financial situation but do not want to file for bankruptcy. If you can acquire enough money quickly enough to make an excellent lump-sum offer to your creditor, this is a realistic choice.

Now is the time to be debt-free! 


Major Debt Negotiators provide financial relief and credit assessment for Americans bound by bankruptcy. We offer debt settlement services to help you achieve financial independence. Live a debt-free life now! Give us a call at 877-350-2062 for a free consultation. You may also visit our website at We are located at P.O Box 297633 Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33029.


If you have gotten yourself into a financial bind, you can consider hiring a debt settlement company to assist you get rid of your credit card bills and other problems.

You can also negotiate directly with your creditors to settle your debt for less than you owe using a do-it-yourself debt settlement. DIY debt settlement may be more effective than using a debt settlement firm.

In this episode, Marlon Quezada and Maricel Llul, the founders of MDN, sit down with marketing specialist Jack Hakimian of Global Presence Marketing to discuss DIY debt settlement. 

Major Debt Talks is a videocast and podcast brought to you by MDN and Global Presence Marketing. Its objective is to learn about debt relief programs and encourage people to take this route rather than filing for bankruptcy. Visit our website to watch the latest episodes.

About Major Debt Negotiators 

Major Debt Negotiators (MDN) provides financial relief and credit assessment for Americans filing for bankruptcy. Our vision is to help you avoid losing everything you have worked for through foolproof programs that help you save money while paying debt faster than minimum payments. 

We are here to provide debt relief services and provide financial consultation and education to ensure that you live a debt-free life. 

MDN’s message for DIY People 

There is nothing wrong with solving your debt problem on your own terms. You got yourself into this problem, so you might as well find a solution to it, right? 

Marlon Quezada, the founder of MDN, does the same thing too. He fixes his own toilet issues, changes his own oil for his car -- basically DIY everything that can save bucks. 

“I change my own toilet, I change oil on my car, I do everything that I can to save a buck. Why not?” Marlon said. 

However, opting for a DIY debt settlement comes with risks. One of these is not getting the best percentage of your debt settlement value. You may call your creditor, negotiate on agreed terms. However, the result is still higher than the amount that a debt settlement company can get you at the end of the day. 

“When you call Major Debt, you’re gonna get the best representation moving forward on your behalf. So we’re gonna try and save as much as we can, a lot of people will jump 70 percent. It doesn’t work that way. You’re always gonna get the best possible. The more money in your pocket, the better off you're gonna be,” Marlon added. 

But MDN does not discourage people from DIY debt settlement. In fact, they teach you the process of one. 

“We do have information on our Facebook page where it teaches you on how to do it yourself but somewhere down the line, if you don’t want to, you call us. We’ll teach you how to do it yourself,” Maricel, founder of MDN, said. 

Live a debt-free life! 

Debt settlement may be a viable option for people frustrated by their financial situation but do not want to file for bankruptcy. If you can acquire enough money quickly enough to make an excellent lump-sum offer to your creditor, this is a realistic choice.

Now is the time to be debt-free! 


Major Debt Negotiators provide financial relief and credit assessment for Americans bound by bankruptcy. We offer debt settlement services to help you achieve financial independence. Live a debt-free life now! Give us a call at 877-350-2062 for a free consultation. You may also visit our website at We are located at P.O Box 297633 Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33029.


A financial crisis affects many people at some point in their lives. It can be stressful whether the situation is brought on by personal or family disease, job loss, or excessive expenditure. However, it is frequently overcomeable. Your financial situation doesn't need to worsen further.

And if you are running out of money, MDN is here to assess your situation and find the simplest solution. 

In this episode, Marlon Quezada and Maricel Llul, the founders of MDN, sit down with marketing specialist Jack Hakimian of Global Presence Marketing to discuss whether MDN caters to people with less money in their pockets. 

Major Debt Talks is a videocast and podcast brought to you by MDN and Global Presence Marketing. Its objective is to learn about debt relief programs and encourage people to take this route rather than filing for bankruptcy. Visit our website to watch the latest episodes.

About Major Debt Negotiators 

Major Debt Negotiators (MDN) provides financial relief and credit assessment for Americans filing for bankruptcy. Our vision is to help you avoid losing everything you have worked for through foolproof programs that help you save money while paying debt faster than minimum payments. 

We are here to provide debt relief services and provide financial consultation and education to ensure that you live a debt-free life.

Can you still opt for a debt settlement if you don’t have the money? 

Most people that resort to debt settlement do not have much to offer. But can they still opt for a debt settlement? 

MDN says yes. 

Marlon Quezada, founder of MDN, said that “You should call us, regardless. Either way, we are here just to assist you, advise you financially, and ask you what our options are, and this is what we can do for you.” 

MDN is not after your money or the profit they will make. Regardless of your financial shortage, we encourage you to contact us to discuss available options that we could apply to get you out of your debt. 

You will not lose anything if you try. What MDN can do for you is call your creditors and agree to the lowest debt amount possible. If you have a terrible hardship that caused you to lose everything, we could submit your situation and try. 

Maricel added that if MDN’s programs do not work for you, there are always other options. 

“There’s a lot of help out there. We’ll try to find something for you,” Marlon stated. 

Live a debt-free life! 

Debt settlement may be a viable option for people frustrated by their financial situation but do not want to file for bankruptcy. If you can acquire enough money quickly enough to make an excellent lump-sum offer to your creditor, this is a realistic choice.

Now is the time to be debt-free!


Major Debt Negotiators provide financial relief and credit assessment for Americans bound by bankruptcy. We offer debt settlement services to help you achieve financial independence. Live a debt-free life now! Give us a call at 877-350-2062 for a free consultation. You may also visit our website at We are located at P.O Box 297633 Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33029.


You should advise your customer that you will be revealing information about their affairs to a third party and acquire their permission before doing so. 

The only matter that can be discussed with companies or third parties is your hardships for debt settlement programs. This further persuades the debtors to accept the settlement you and the debt settlement company are offering. 

In this episode, Marlon Quezada and Maricel Llul, the founders of MDN, sit down with marketing specialist Jack Hakimian of Global Presence Marketing to discuss whether it is lawful to share client information with companies or government agencies. 

Major Debt Talks is a videocast and podcast brought to you by MDN and Global Presence Marketing. Its objective is to learn about debt relief programs and encourage people to take this route rather than filing for bankruptcy. Visit our website to watch the latest episodes.

About Major Debt Negotiators 

Major Debt Negotiators (MDN) provides financial relief and credit assessment for Americans filing for bankruptcy. Our vision is to help you avoid losing everything you have worked for through foolproof programs that help you save money while paying debt faster than minimum payments. 

We are here to provide debt relief services and provide financial consultation and education to ensure that you live a debt-free life. 

On sharing client’s information 

It is unconstitutional to disclose client information, current client or previous client, to a third party. Unless there is consent, permission, or legal duty, a debt settlement company must 

MDN follows this ruling. Marlon does not share any personal information or financial matters with companies or third parties. The only aspect that they rely on is the hardship of their clients to reduce the debt value, but with careful consideration to the debtors. 

“We’re very firm on that. We do not release socials, date of births, or any sort of information,” Marlon added. 

Live a debt-free life! 

Debt settlement may be a viable option for people frustrated by their financial situation but do not want to file for bankruptcy. If you can acquire enough money quickly enough to make an excellent lump-sum offer to your creditor, this is a realistic choice.

Now is the time to be debt-free!


Major Debt Negotiators provide financial relief and credit assessment for Americans bound by bankruptcy. We offer debt settlement services to help you achieve financial independence. Live a debt-free life now! Give us a call at 877-350-2062 for a free consultation. You may also visit our website at We are located at P.O Box 297633 Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33029.


Are debt settlement programs similar to credit repairs? We get a lot of questions about this. It is time to answer these questions! 

In this episode, Marlon Quezada and Maricel Llul, the founders of MDN, sit down with marketing specialist Jack Hakimian of Global Presence Marketing to discuss whether debt settlement programs go hand-in-hand with credit repairs. 

Major Debt Talks is a videocast and podcast brought to you by MDN and Global Presence Marketing. Its objective is to learn about debt relief programs and encourage people to take this route rather than filing for bankruptcy. Visit our website to watch the latest episodes.

About Major Debt Negotiators 

Major Debt Negotiators (MDN) provides financial relief and credit assessment for Americans filing for bankruptcy. Our vision is to help you avoid losing everything you have worked for through foolproof programs that help you save money while paying debt faster than minimum payments. 

We are here to provide debt relief services and provide financial consultation and education to ensure that you live a debt-free life.

Is debt settlement similar to credit repairs?

To answer your question, debt settlement is different from credit repairs. 

The process of disputing problems and errors on your credit reports is known as credit repair. When you disagree with any information on your credit report, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) allows you to file a dispute. 

While debt settlement is when debt settlement companies negotiate with your creditors on your behalf to lower down the face value of your debt, but they can go hand-in-hand. If you have had financial difficulties, your credit has likely suffered as well. In many circumstances, credit repair may be required to remedy any inaccuracies or errors on your credit report that you may have made along the road. 

A credit repair is needed after the debt settlement program. 

“No. Debt settlement is, what happens is, you get rid of your debt and credit repair has to come after to help you maintain debt-free so your score has to go up,” Maricel, the founder of MDN, said. 

Live a debt-free life! 

Debt settlement may be a viable option for people frustrated by their financial situation but do not want to file for bankruptcy. If you can acquire enough money quickly enough to make an excellent lump-sum offer to your creditor, this is a realistic choice.

Now is the time to be debt-free! 


Major Debt Negotiators provide financial relief and credit assessment for Americans bound by bankruptcy. We offer debt settlement services to help you achieve financial independence. Live a debt-free life now! Give us a call at 877-350-2062 for a free consultation. You may also visit our website at We are located at P.O Box 297633 Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33029.


People who avail themselves of debt settlement programs often seek a positive result. But why do some people experience a negative outcome? Let’s find out! 

In this episode, Marlon Quezada and Maricel Llul, the founders of MDN, sit down with marketing specialist Jack Hakimian of Global Presence Marketing to discuss the ineffective experiences of people with debt settlement programs. 

Major Debt Talks is a videocast and podcast brought to you by MDN and Global Presence Marketing. Its objective is to obtain knowledge about debt relief programs and encourage people to take this route rather than filing for bankruptcy. Visit our website to watch the latest episodes. 

About Major Debt Negotiators 

Major Debt Negotiators (MDN) provides financial relief and credit assessment for Americans filing for bankruptcy. Our vision is to help you avoid losing everything you have worked for through foolproof programs that help you save money while paying debt faster than minimum payments. 

We are here to provide debt relief services and provide financial consultation and education to ensure that you live a debt-free life.

Why do people have bad experiences with debt settlement? 

When asked about this question, Marlon did not waste time and said that many people are liars. Some debt relief companies lie to their clients with hidden payments and additional charges, resulting in a bad experience. 

With MDN, you pay for what is stated in the contract. Nothing more, nothing less. 

“What we do is we put everything on the table for you, we let you know plain and simple -- this is what’s gonna take, these are your threats, and these are what we’re gonna do to take care of this,” Marlon said. 

MDN is straightforward with its process. If you dial our number at 877-350-2062, you will be able to talk to the founders themselves. “You’re gonna get the two people that are in charge of this and nobody else, right off the bat,” Marlon added. 

On the other hand, some clients are at fault too. Often, people are not successful with their debt relief programs because they fail to fulfill their obligations. 

“If you’re not making your payments on time or you are not giving us the information exactly, you’re not giving the forms on time, we cannot be on top of things that we don’t know. So communication is very important between the client and the debt relief program,” Maricel stated. 

Live a debt-free life! 

Debt settlement may be a viable option for people frustrated by their financial situation but do not want to file for bankruptcy. If you can acquire enough money quickly enough to make an excellent lump-sum offer to your creditor, this is a realistic choice.

Now is the time to be debt-free! 


Major Debt Negotiators provide financial relief and credit assessment for Americans bound by bankruptcy. We offer debt settlement services to help you achieve financial independence. Live a debt-free life now! Give us a call at 877-350-2062 for a free consultation. You may also visit our website at We are located at P.O Box 297633 Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33029.


If you are interested in availing a debt settlement program, then watch this episode and learn about the process of settling your entire debt and how long it will take. 

Marlon and Maricel, the founders of MDN, sit down with marketing specialist, Jack Hakimian, in episode 1.4 of Major Debt Talks. 

About Major Debt Negotiators 

Major Debt Negotiators (MDN) provides financial relief and credit assessment for Americans filing for bankruptcy. Our vision is to help you avoid losing everything you have worked for through foolproof programs that help you save money while paying debt faster than minimum payments. 

We are here to provide debt relief services and provide financial consultation and education to ensure that you live a debt-free life.

How long does it take to settle the debts?

As much as MDN wants to process your debt settlement quickly and efficiently, it involves a lot of processes.

“We work with people, we wanna know what’s going on first and foremost because hardship is the biggest thing for us. We wanna know what happened. We really wanna get to the deep and we wanna represent you guys in regards of what’s going on,” Marlon, the founder of MDN said. 

You can settle your debts based on the monthly payment plans offered by MDN, such as 12 months, 24 months, and 72 months program. It depends on how further you want to extend the payment duration and your comfortability. Debt settlement plans can be paid in bi-weekly or monthly installments. 

What is the process of debt settlement? 

The process of opting for debt settlement programs is easy. First, you need to call the debt settlement company. For MDN, you can get in touch with us via calling 877-350-2062. 

According to Maricel, from the minute clients call, they will start digging into their background on the client’s current situation. MDN also asks about the creditor’s information and the program they intend to enroll. MDN also has background information on who’s creditor is easier to deal with and who’s creditor is a little harder to please. 

“Once we’re done with the enrollment situation, what we do is contact the creditors like right of the bat. We contact them, we send them the POAs and ACH,” Maricel added. 

Some people who are living in debt do not have a clue about what debt settlement is. So most creditors can take advantage of their unknowingness and ask them to pay the whole amount in one blow. 

“The reason is because they can just speak with the clients, they know they're scared, they know their laws, their rights, and basically end up paying everything,” Marlon said. 

But when it comes to MDN, you have a wide range of options that you can choose and pay exactly what amount is stated in the contract. “When it comes to us, what we say they’re gonna pay, it’s exactly what they’re gonna pay. Not a penny more, not a penny less,” Maricel said. 

Live a debt-free life! 

Debt settlement may be a viable option for people frustrated by their financial situation but do not want to file for bankruptcy. If you can acquire enough money quickly enough to make an excellent lump-sum offer to your creditor, this is a realistic choice.

Now is the time to be debt-free! 


Major Debt Negotiators provide financial relief and credit assessment for Americans bound by bankruptcy. We offer debt settlement services to help you achieve financial independence. Live a debt-free life now! Give us a call at 877-350-2062 for a free consultation. You may also visit our website at We are located at P.O Box 297633 Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33029.


If you have watched Major Debt Talks 1.2, you already know by now the meaning of debt settlement. But how and in what circumstances does it help people? 

In this episode, Marlon and Maricel talk about the benefits of debt settlement and the real-life experiences of people. Sit comfortably and tune in to this episode. 

About Major Debt Negotiators 

Major Debt Negotiators (MDN) provides financial relief and credit assessment for Americans filing for bankruptcy. Our vision is to help you avoid losing everything you have worked for through foolproof programs that help you save money while paying debt faster than minimum payments. 

We are here to provide debt relief services and provide financial consultation and education to ensure that you live a debt-free life.

How does debt settlement help people?

When COVID hit the world, most people cut short on their salaries due to the global pandemic crisis. Most businesses were forced to close and employees were retrenched, leaving most Americans out of work. 

Marlon Quezada, the founder of MDN, said that people lived with no incoming income for an extended period of six to eight months.

“A lot of credit cards were past due and people just don’t know what options to take in regards to that,” Marlon said. 

The good thing is, MDN offers monthly payment plans like taking the lump sum amount of the debt you owe and turning it into monthly payments. MDN finds a way to put more money in your pocket and strive to get the best settlement amount as possible. 

On harassing debtors 

If you owe a creditor, it is very prominent that they will not stop bugging you until you pay them what you owe. It is challenging to face creditors who, once in a while, harass you at work, on your street, or just publicly. 

MDN also offers a legal protection plan to get off creditors behind your back. 

“The plan comes into play when creditors are harassing our clients either at work, references. Our legal department will get into the creditors and send them a cease and desist letter, making sure that they stop doing that. Their communication should be to our company and no further with the clients,” Maricel said. 

Will a debt settlement plan affect my credit? 

If you pay your monthly dues to the debt settlement company, your payments are recorded through the credit bureau. 

“It fixes their credit because once they are making their monthly payments to the legal protection plan because it is a monthly payment plan until the end of the program. So every time they make a payment, they report to the credit bureau, so they are also fixing and helping their credit as well,” Maricel added. 

Live a debt-free life! 

Debt settlement may be a viable option for people frustrated by their financial situation but do not want to file for bankruptcy. If you can acquire enough money quickly enough to make an excellent lump-sum offer to your creditor, this is a realistic choice.

Now is the time to be debt-free!


Major Debt Negotiators provide financial relief and credit assessment for Americans bound by bankruptcy. We offer debt settlement services to help you achieve financial independence. Live a debt-free life now! Give us a call at 877-350-2062 for a free consultation. You may also visit our website at We are located at P.O Box 297633 Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33029.

Wednesday, 18 August 2021 10:23

Major Debt Talks 1.2: What Is Debt Settlement?


Debt settlement is the process of negotiating with your creditors in exchange for lowering the amount of debt you owe. Debt settlement companies, like Major Debt Negotiators, usually handle operations like this with the agreement of paying if the debts are reduced. 

How do the founders of MDN define debt settlement? As someone who works for the industry, learn more about their insights. 

About Major Debt Negotiators 

Major Debt Negotiators (MDN) provides financial relief and credit assessment for Americans filing for bankruptcy. Our vision is to help you avoid losing everything you have worked for through foolproof programs that help you save money while paying debt faster than minimum payments. 

We are here to provide debt relief services and provide financial consultation and education to ensure that you live a debt-free life.

What is Debt Settlement? 

According to Marlon Quezada, founder of MDN, debt settlement is the most favorable option for individuals in debt who do not want to file for bankruptcy. It is terrible to lose everything you have worked so hard and this is where debt settlement comes into play. 

Maricel said that debt settlement is the way of contacting creditors, letting them know about the people’s hardships in paying back, and getting the debt amount value in less than half. 

MDN as your dream team 

Marlon and Maricel were workmates in the same company before. Marlon would describe Maricel as someone who is absolutely phenomenal when it comes to speaking to clients. 

Despite the charm of Maricel, each negotiator is different and Marlon is on the aggressive side. 

“On the other hand, I’m the more aggressive type to where if I call for a client, in regards of their debt, I would completely try to get the lowest amount to work on their behalf. My goal is to always get a 50 percent settlement or even a lower, saving people hundreds and not thousands on their existing debt,” Marlon said. 

Live a debt-free life! 

Debt settlement may be a viable option for people frustrated by their financial situation but do not want to file for bankruptcy. If you can acquire enough money quickly enough to make an excellent lump-sum offer to your creditor, this is a realistic choice.

Now is the time to be debt-free!


Major Debt Negotiators provide financial relief and credit assessment for Americans bound by bankruptcy. We offer debt settlement services to help you achieve financial independence. Live a debt-free life now! Give us a call at 877-350-2062 for a free consultation. You may also visit our website at We are located at P.O Box 297633 Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33029.

Wednesday, 18 August 2021 10:19

Major Debt Talks 1.1: Founders Background


A business is a product of the mission and vision that business owners want to achieve. It could be to grow a profitable company, help charitable causes, or assist individuals in need. 

The mission and vision statements become the foundation for the everyday operations of the business. It all boils down to what the company wants to attain.  

For Major Debt Negotiators, they are not after the money of their clients. Instead, they want to be of help to people who seek a debt-free life. 

In this article, learn more about the founders of Major Debt Negotiators and their inspiration for the business. 

About Major Debt Negotiators 

Major Debt Negotiators (MDN) provides financial relief and credit assessment for Americans filing for bankruptcy. Our vision is to help you avoid losing everything you have worked for through foolproof programs that help you save money while paying debt faster than minimum payments. 

We are here to provide debt relief services and provide financial consultation and education to make sure that you live a debt-free life.

What inspired the founders? 

Marlon Quezada, one of the founders of Major Debt Negotiators, has been in the financing industry for over 12 years now. His first line of work was collecting on behalf of companies related to businesses, personal loans, and automotive. 

When he switched to the debt relief side, he found it much more rewarding. A part of his work was to listen to people’s experiences and hardships. He encountered a lot of situations where people fall behind payments to their accounts. He felt it personally and therefore wanted to contribute more than working for a corporation. 

While Maricel Llul, the co-founder of Major Debt Negotiators, got her inspiration from her family members and friends who she saw were getting caught up in debt but not having any solutions. What Maricel did was do her homework and provide a deputy program with several solutions for most people. 

Live a debt-free life! 

Debt settlement may be a viable option for people frustrated by their financial situation but do not want to file for bankruptcy. If you can acquire enough money quickly enough to make an excellent lump-sum offer to your creditor, this is a realistic choice.

Now is the time to be debt-free!


Major Debt Negotiators provide financial relief and credit assessment for Americans bound by bankruptcy. We offer debt settlement services to help you achieve financial independence. Live a debt-free life now! Give us a call at 877-350-2062 for a free consultation. You may also visit our website at We are located at P.O Box 297633 Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33029.