Wednesday, 22 September 2021 12:58

Best Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Written by May A.
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If you're being shunned away by lenders or not getting any of their callbacks, it's high time you search for the best ways to improve your credit score.

 Credit scores―much like oxygen to any living organism―are a crucial financial lifeline. It reflects your trustworthiness financially. But more than that, it also enables you to enjoy numerous rewards on credit cards and even avail of mortgages with low interest.

While it might take years for some to build up their credit scores, there are ways in which you can boost your score. And if you have been struggling to keep yours at the desired score (above 660), this list will help you improve your credit score so you can relish the perks that come along with it. 

Make it a habit to check your credit reports

Like any form of record in business, your credit report is of equal importance. You might now notice it, but sometimes, banks and lenders can accidentally make some errors in your record. And this can hurt your score. 

Big or small, mistakes are still mistakes. If your credit report contains negative information, that might be a red flag to lenders. So, to avoid this, make it a habit to run a quick check on your credit reports. It only takes a few minutes of your time, but we guarantee you that it is one of the best ways to improve your credit score.

 You don’t have to leave the comfort of your home. You can request your credit report online for free. Make sure that you get it from either Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion. Under federal law, these three are the only authorized online source for a free credit report.

 Don’t hesitate to dispute any errors on your credit report

For some of you who hate confrontations, perhaps now is the time to pick up some courage and face your creditors for any misinformation lodged in your credit report. These errors can be notice or indication of late payment although you pay on time, loan balances that seem way too high, accounts you did not open, or any activities you don’t recognize.

You can challenge any misinformation on your credit report by filing a dispute with the bureaus. Just send them an email or call them via their hotline. If a credit bureau acknowledged your argument, the errors would be removed from your credit report. Correcting these mistakes is undoubtedly one of the best ways to improve your credit score.

 Always settle your debt-payments on time

We can’t stress this enough―pay your bills on time. 

This is probably where we won’t say that it is better late than never. In the topic of debt payments and debt settlement, late and never are the same sides of the coin. And it is important to note that a sleek debt history plays a crucial role in how your credit is rated. Likewise, if you fail to pay your debts on time, it would certainly ruin your credit history. On top of that, you'll even be prompted to pay fees and charges.

Here's a tip for you to avoid late payments: set up an automatic payment transfer from your bank account (but make sure you have enough to cover the amount). You can also use a financial application or software to remind you of your monthly or quarterly dues.

Understand how your credit score is rated

Don't just stand by and wait for your credit score to be determined. Learn the back-end to the process.

Some of the questions you need to ask to know how you are rated are:

  • What is my outstanding debt?
  • Do I pay my bills on time?
  • Did I recently apply for a new credit card?
  • How long is my credit history?
  • What are the types of credit cards I own, and how many?

If you know the answer to these questions, you will probably know what factors affect your credit rating.

 For the most part, you don't need to have the perfect credit score (although most people aim that high). No such pressure on that area. You just need to take in mind that you have to at least maintain a decent credit score (above 700 would surely have banks turn their eyes on you).

Lastly, you need to understand that these efforts would take time to positively impact your rating, but they still do overtime. Consistency is key in this aspect. Regularly practice these best ways to improve your credit score, and in no time, you should see an improvement in your rating.

If you want a faster and even more efficient route, we offer a credit assessment service. Our credit repair specialist will gladly go over your credit report and provide the help needed to remove the negative marks from your report. You can click here to apply.

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